Set Sail Summer!

As some of you may have seen from my Instagram, last week I went on my first work trip post-baby and also traveled with Murphy for the first time (more on that soon!)! We made the trip up to Connecticut and I was fortunate enough to have my mom tag along for the fun! I wanted to share some images from the amazing event that I attended for Sail to Sable + Jack Rogers hosted by the lovely sisters of Palm Beach Lately. It was such a wonderful night with great food, drinks, and fabulous company! And the decor was out of this world – SO darling! I really enjoyed catching up with long time blogger friends and meeting some new faces, as well. It was the ultimate kick-off to summer and I was so grateful to be a part of it!

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Photos by Julie Dags


1 Comment

  1. Heather
    June 28, 2019 / 12:42 pm

    It was a great event! So fun and well-done!

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